Thursday, September 23, 2010

Where Does My Tax Money Go anyway?

So....I am organizing some pals to volunteer to show up to clean the OB Bike Path. San Diego Bike Coalition does it every other month. I am an avid rider of the path and believe it's the right thing to do to show up and help. I look at it as if it were my house. I live here, (i ride there) therefore I should take care of it--right? Why complain about it being messy or have graffiti or ugly when I can show up and clean it up and make it look pretty. Most of the Invitees agreed. One of them disputed my efforts. I welcomed the notions brought to me, but, want to explore the validity of them-just a bit. The neigh Sayer's position is: "Yeah, I ride that path all the time, but, why would I spend my precious time on the weekends that I don't have, cleaning up after homeless people that should clean up after themselves, or juvenile delinquents that should be looked after by their family, and my tax dollars are going toward the clean up. I already pay for it to be cleaned up, so, why should I have to do it myself." It was a position brought to me which I did not expect and I really appreciated it. This caused me to wonder.... Who is responsible for keeping the OB Street Path clean and safe? Is it the city? Is it the county? or is it us? Where do our tax payer dollars go? What % goes toward improving bike path safety, maintenance and cleaning? If anyone knows the answers to this....please reply or email me If you have a thought on it...please do share. I will spend some time researching this. If for nothing else than to learn---is the neigh Sayer making a stand due to "principle" or is it the neigh Sayer's subtle way of really saying, "I don't want to get up on a Saturday to do something good for the world?" We shall see.............

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