Monday, December 7, 2009

Rain+Bike = Good Times...

The true test of this mission is to see if it can happen in the good times and the bad--sorta like a wedding vow. So--Dear Baby Blue--I vow to ride you in the sun, in the rain, in the cold and in the overly global warmed heat we have here in the thick of July and August. Tomorrow is going to be an experience. I've done 1 bike ride in the rain already--but--haven't done one to work yet. Tomorrow will be an adventure. If I am really serious about this lifestyle..I've got to go all the way. So--my bags are packed--slicker ready to go...extra time given in the morning...

I'll leave a wee bit earlier tomorrow for extra beauty bag touch up. Tomorrow I have work, then an after work event, then workout and grocery. If it rains at all during those adventures--I'd ready. The last time I rode my bike in the rain....I was so hot/sweaty when I got to my destination. I am hoping to manage the body temp sitch a bit better this time since I am on my way to work and don't want to be too gross when I get there. Wish me luck:)

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