Monday, January 11, 2010

Random Acts of Bike-er-y

Is it just me or are drivers super anxious & are there wierd things on the road in the month of January? I've seen the wackiest things on the roads the last couple of days..

Heading into downtown on C street under the bridge was a big bag of stale hoagie breads. Not one homeless person had claimed it--it just sat there, sad and staring up at me saying, "would you like a bite?" OR "can u feed me to a bird?" I did sure was weird.

On Island street heading into downtown yesterday morning was a bevy of shoes. No two matched, just a bunch of single shoes...hanging out--no rhyme--no reason--no homeless person in sight to claim the shoe....

The pigeons were stir crazy today---They should have hung out by that bread--at least they could have had a meal. Instead they were pecking around on the street--all casual and weird and then flying up at my face as I sped by.

Cars---I had to do the finger wag to at least 8 cars today. People were in a hurry, running stop signs, not paying attention, swerving all crazy--and all of a sudden, B Street from 25th to 22nd is super busy with really fast cars in the morning... I am normally used to a casual, slow saunter down the hill--not anymore--2010 has brought the NASCAR out in all the Golden Hill drivers. I have been ducking and bobbing and weaving more than Mohammad Ali in the mornings... It's good mental work though--keeps me sharp and ready for that morning meeting.

Turf Club--now serves lunch--so the flyer said in front of the building today.

Although I have a high power fancy LED light on my hat....Island Street at night is still so damn dark. That thing needs street lights from 17th - 25th. I am going to suggest that at our Urban Core meeting. So, the SDBCC has a new initiative in 2010 called "The Urban Core". It is going to educate people on bike riding, the ease of it, the safety of it, the laws, make bike commuting more friendly in "The urban core" I am involved in it..and can't wait for our first meeting. Of course--my soap box will be about getting a Bike Station in The Urban Core....but...I know other great things will come out of it.

Finally, as I left work today I saw in a distance 2 dogs fighting. Their owners were clearly stirred up and dishevled by the incident. Of course--I did not have my glasses on--so I couldn't see the owners--I only saw the spectical of hte 2 dogs. They were nipping and jumping at each other, their leashes were all tangled up. It was an out of control situation. AKA--OOO SITCH-- I almost went to the other side of the street b/c I was afraid they would lunge at me and try and snatch my Jansport. As I approached and rounded the curve, I realized Feisty Dog #1 was the dog of a fella I used to date. The last time I saw him he was super drunk and professed his undying love for me. I am confident he remembers nothing of the conversation, except for the couple of things that I told him about. Those things only scratched the surface of all the rest of the verbal vomit (some good & some truth syrm stuff--that i am sure he can't believe he told me about...definite--black mail) but...verbal vomit--none-the-less... Although he stayed quite connected while he was away on his recent vacation--I haven't actually seen him since he got back--so--I sped past--hoping he didn't see me in my workout gear and my bike helmet/LED hat and head lamp--out of fear for an awkawrd encounter...Then..I thought--this guy is dog fighting in the middle of the street like Michael Vic--what have "I" got to be embarrassed about? So, I made a lil' U turn--and missed him. Away I went back up the hill to go home. I had to drop my jazz off, unpacked my Jansport and head back out to the grocery. It sure was a nice night for a ride down 30th to IGA. Love that ride---got my goods--and here I am--at home--cooking my lunches for the week--I'll pack up my bags and start a new tomorrow.... Hooray for 2010

The weather has been awesome in San Diego---so--I haven't had to wear my bike slicker as much as I thought I would...which is good....Signing off for now...

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, the first part of this story reads like a post-apocalyptic Cormac McCarthy novel. Glad it finished on a high note with home-cooked lunches.

    On a separate note, bought a snazzy new mtb for the new year, thought it might inspire you to upgrade to a new urban racer - you deserve it!
