Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 25...

Well, today was interesting......I walked into work---on my way I found a co-worker at the bus stop at Broadway and 21st. She was wearing dress shoes--slight heel. I asked, "Would you like to walk with me?" She said, "sure"...and away we walked. It was nice to have an unexpected walking companion in the AM. I left my house at 7:29, and got to work at 8:01 A....just in time for an all morning meeting with an AMAZING organization--that--can you believe it??? They promote Healthy living! The stars were aligned and I wore my tennies all day with my work gear. They were quite inspirational. Next.....I rode my bike to the gym. It was "cardio day", I did 32 minutes. 7 minutes rower, 10 minutes running on treadmill and 15 minutes on the bike--as if I didn't have enough bike action for the last 25 days. You see...I thought I was going to take the bus home, so, I got my "bike on" in the gym instead of "on the road"....I left the gym drenched in sweat, and the moon was awesome..the night felt so good and I didn't want to deal with putting my bike on the front of that rack on the decided to ride home... Last ride home at night was awesome--and I took my favorite street--ISLAND--but--it was a little dark--and I was a little scared for my life on 12th - 24th, I opted for Broadway the whole way home. The hill on Broadway is more steep, but, it's way more lit and much more safe. Along the way as I rode I heard cheers of people between 3rd - 10th from various pubs. World Series is on tonight--Phillies vs. Yanks--and the cheers supported both teams at various times as I passed. I got to 16th and couldn't ride anymore. I was beat. I had a 3 mile walk to work, a 32 minute cardio session and now I was going to ride 10 more blocks up a huge incline??? What is wrong with me?? So, I walked my bike, and called my sis. She and her hubby are staying at my parent's house in FL for the week. She was tipsy and her hubster was watching the world series. She celebrated the great day she and my mom had. They went to a play in Florida with all the blue hairs. While in the bathroom at the play, my lil' sis discovered that the woman just one stall over had only 4 toes---GROSS--of course she took a photo of it and texted it to me with a caption: "Just saw someone that reminded me of you.....". To be clear, I have all my digits in tact--10 fingers, 10 toes...however, I do hate feet. They totally gross me out. Had I seen that sitch in the stall next to me, I would have barfed for sure. Better her than me...but still, was a great picture text to get midday today. Lil' sis asked me if I wanted to talk to her hubby. I gingerly declined and told her that would be a dude's worst nightmare to talk to his sister-in-law on the telephone in the middle of the world series. She claimed I was a better woman than she, and shortly after, we hung up. I did promise a shout out to her... so, there ya go--Vikki---you've been shouted outed!! I hopped back on my bike and was home in 5 minutes. The Presbyterians were up to no good though... I noticed all the lights on in the church, but this time--all the blinds were drawn....and no one was singing..... Seemed a little more serious and less gleeful tonight... I wonder what they're stirring up in there......


  1. Hello.. awesome blog! Not sure how I originally came across it but I've enjoyed reading it. Been thinking about trying this out myself! You should post some photos...

  2. Hi Mandi! I had a lot of reading to do today to catch up. What about Market street for going up the hill into the GH? That's the one I always ride. Hill is pretty gradual, no official bike lane but it's wide and not too many cars buzzing by (they have two lanes to go around you), and it's definitely less sketchy than Island. I don't really even like driving on Island in the dark. You're braver than me!!! Let me know if you want to borrow my's a long story, but yours if you want it. :)

  3. For the record, I would much rather talk to you than watch the Phillies vs. Yankees! In 2047 when the Indians are in the World Series, I reserve the right to change my answer. Besides, you could've turned into a real jerk by then anyway...

  4. Love my shout out! And that we have all of our toes. Poor stall lady...
