Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 31--Bike Station--some progress

We made a little progress on the Bike Station mission today. Looks like Bike Station is on Sandag radar! We got a return email from them. It seems she has some reccomendations or advice...I am going to call her tomorrow. I think this will be a segway to another referral. We'll get this bike station come hell or high water...

To me from Maria:

Congratulations on your 30 car-free days! I am glad to hear of your interest in a bike station, it is something on our radar. To answer your questions:
1) To put a bikestation on City property, you'd have to work with the City of SD. If the desired location is a trolley stop, then you'd have to work with MTS since they own the trolley right-of-way.
2) Anyone can make a recommendation to the City or SANDAG to implement a bikestation. (Of course implementation relies on funding.) Have you contacted the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition (www.sdcbc.org)? I think they are looking at some bikestation locations.
3) The biggest issues are funding and location.
Feel free to give me a call to discuss further (# below).
Maria Filippelli
Planning Technician

To Sandag from Me:
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 7:18 PMT
Subject: Bike Station?

Hi there, have you heard of Bike Station? I just starting commuting using solely my bike and public transportation. I am doing a 30 day trial to see if I can “live” without my car. In the process, I’ve learned that other cities such as Palo Alto, Long Beach and Seattle have convenient places like a “Bike Station” for commuters. www.bikestation.com San Diego is suppose to be a “Biker’s Paradise” but, I haven’t found very many convenient commuter options such as the Bike Station. I was wondering if you'd help me?
Would San Diego consider putting a Bike Station or something like it somewhere in downtown San Diego? Near the convention center?
Who within San Diego government would make such recommendations?
What information, support or influence do you need from San Diego local government OR other bike organizations that would make a compelling argument to implement?
I am willing to do the work, just need some recommendations of people that are interested in the life of a SD Commuter. To view the “real” life of a San Diego commuter, check out my blog. It's the real deal of what SD needs to make it more of a commuter friendly city. https://www.car-go-bye-bye.blogspot.com
If you’re not the right person to speak with, will you forward to the proper person, OR, will you share some names of people that can assist? Thanks in advance. Have a great day!

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